Skill 28: Turn an umbrella into a lead pipe
Turn everyday items into weapons and carry a lead pipe that only looks innocent. (Daniel Woolfolk/Staff)

Deadly Skills
Skill 58: Barricade an inward-opening door
Learn to barricade an inward opening door in the event your office or home falls victim to an active shooter. Clint Emerson is a Navy SEAL (Ret.) and the author of 100 Deadly Skills. (Daniel Woolfolk and Lars Schwetje/Staff)

Skill 91: Perform a J-Turn
Learn how to perform a J-Turn from Clint — Skill #91 in his best-selling book 100 Deadly Skills.

Deadly Skills Extra: The importance of tire pressure
If you're going to perform high-speed maneuvers, you've got to have the tire pressure to back you up. Retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson — author of 100 Deadly Skills — shows you how get your tires ready.

Deadly Skills Quickfire: Cybersecurity
Military Times puts Clint Emerson in the hot seat for some rapid-fire Q&A. Emerson is a retired Navy SEAL and author of "100 Deadly Skills."

Trailer: 100 Deadly Skills with Clint Emerson
Military Times is launching a video series based on the best-selling “100 Deadly Skills' book series. Retired Navy SEAL and survival expert Clint Emerson lays out a step-by-step guide for how to defend yourself, escape and ultimately survive any situation.

Escape the Wolf provides risk mitigation advice
Bad guys want to infiltrate your office, and it may be all too simple. Escape the Wolf founder Clint Emerson offers expert advice on how to protect yourself.