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Navy SEALs cut ties with museum over Colin Kaepernick video
The commander of the Navy SEALs said the unit will suspend its support of the National Navy SEAL Museum, a nonprofit organization not overseen by the military after videos surfaced online of dogs attacking a man wearing a Colin Kaepernick jersey during a demonstration.
Army reservist, Navy and Air Force vets plotted to terrorize Vegas protests, prosecutors charge
The three men arrested had military experience and ties to right win extremist groups.
2 kicked out of National Guard over white supremacist ties
Two men have been kicked out of the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered their membership in a religious group with white supremacist ties.
Desire to join military large focus of leaked chats in infamous neo-Nazi forum
A defunct neo-Nazi online forum linked to the white nationalist extremist Atomwaffen Division had its chat logs posted online Wednesday.
Dutchmen arrested for trespassing near Area 51 with drone & camera equipment, because ... aliens
Though, the location is off, the alien-enthused festival still lives.
By J.D. Simkins