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Candidates accuse each other of military insults, disrespect for troops in first presidential debate
The first debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden was held Tuesday in Ohio.
The Air Force now has its own tattoo shop
Airmen now have the option of getting inked on base at Nellis.
New book accuses Trump of blasting top military generals as ‘pussies’ for defending foreign alliances
The comments in Bob Woodward's newest release come amid numerous reports of Trump bad-mouthing troops and veterans behind the scenes at the White House.
Navy Secretary officially resigns, capping bizarre 24-hour Theodore Roosevelt fiasco
Modly’s resignation offer comes less than a day after numerous Democratic members of Congress called for his firing over his handling of the dismissal of the commanding officer of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt.
By J.D. Simkins
‘The Military Diet’ is the worst diet since starvation
You too can achieve the skeletal, prisoner of war beach bod you’ve always dreamed of.
By J.D. Simkins