Iron Dome for America gets a golden makeoverPresident Trump's new missile defense shield effort is now dubbed "Golden Dome."By Jen Judson13 days ago
Senators detail desired missile defense elements for Trump’s Iron DomeTwo senators introduced a bill that would authorize $19.5 billion for fiscal 2026 to build out Trump's "Iron Dome for America."By Jen Judson4 weeks ago
US Army Pacific to absorb new units under ‘transformation’ mantraSeveral units in the Pacific — from Hawaii to Alaska — were chosen as part of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George’s 'transformation in contact' push.By Jen Judson5 months ago
New Marine Corps Museum galleries showcase Iraq, Afghanistan and more "Every artifact tells a story."By Todd South5 months ago
Airborne assault comes to Super Garuda Shield exercise in Indonesia Super Garuda Shield in Indonesia expands with new participants and demonstrates new joint, combined operational capabilities.By Jen Judson6 months ago
Navy missile intercepts target using Army’s new missile defense radarThe Navy's SM-6 missile intercepted a target in a test during Valiant Shield using the Army's new missile defense radar and battle command system.By Jen Judson8 months ago