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New legal bombshells explode on two Navy SEAL war crimes cases
Two SEALs offer up damaging testimony against a chief special warfare operator accused of war crimes -- and suggest the command did not initially investigate the sprawling allegations of misconduct, new legal documents show.
Navy SEAL arraigned on war crime charges
U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter urged President Donald Trump to free Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher, who faces a long list of war crimes charges.
Second Navy SEAL charged in war crimes probe
Although he wasn’t present during the alleged homicide near the Iraqi city of Mosul in 2017, Lt. Jacob “Jake” Portier faces an upcoming Article 32 hearing for supposedly covering up evidence that Special Operations Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher committed a string of war crimes there.
Charged with war crimes and stuck in the brig, a Navy SEAL vows to fight on
Federal agents are not only probing the death of an Islamic State detainee in Iraq, but also photographs that show SEALs posing with the body and questions about how Naval Special Warfare Group 1 officers and senior chief petty officers handled the internal investigation into the alleged incidents.
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