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North Korea’s Kim has faith in Trump, frustrated at skeptics
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un still has faith in U.S. President Donald Trump’s commitment to ending their nations' hostile relations, but he’s frustrated by questions about his willingness to denuclearize and wants his “goodwill measures” to be met in kind, South Korean officials said Thursday.
US commander says pressure is key to nuclear diplomacy with North Korea
The commander of U.S. forces in South Korea said Wednesday that he’s cautiously optimistic nuclear diplomacy will work out with North Korea. But he also said Seoul and Washington must continue to apply pressure so that “there’s not a reason or even an ability” for the North to back out.
Russia to help restore UN patrols near Syria-Israel frontier
The Russian military said Tuesday that its forces in Syria will help U.N. peacekeepers fully restore patrols along the frontier with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, reflecting Moscow’s deepening role in mediating between the decades-old foes.
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