Meet Lt. Preston, one of the only PT crewmen to be awarded the MOHLt. Arthur Preston and his PT boat crews did whatever it took to save a downed Navy airman in the South Pacific.By Jon Guttman9 hours ago
This Medal of Honor recipient became an ace pilot in a day'Ace in a day' is a rare distinction. Among the earliest American pilots to do so, Jim Swett was credited with seven victories amid a WWII turning point.By Jon Guttman4 weeks ago
How one GI’s sacrifice helped pave the Army’s way to Aachen, GermanyJack Pendleton sacrificed all to eliminate a critically placed German machine gun nest.By Jon Guttman4 weeks ago
A look into the remarkable life of Tuskegee Airman Harry StewartHarry Stewart got all three of his aerial victories on one sortie.By Jon Guttman4 weeks ago
First look at ‘Warfare’ brings viewers into tenacity of Iraq War'Warfare' is co-directed by Ray Mendoza, a Silver Star recipient who recently worked with director Alex Garland on 'Civil War.'By J.D. Simkins3 months ago
How recovering a Japanese Zero at Pearl Harbor added to its mysteryThe first chance for the U.S. to inspect the iconic Mitsubishi Zero revealed surprisingly few hard facts.By David Aiken3 months ago