First Black officer to earn Medal of Honor sacrificed all in VietnamMany of Pitts’ soldiers believed they would not have made it through the ordeal had it not been for the leadership of their CO.By Jon Guttman11 days ago
This Medal of Honor recipient became an ace pilot in a day'Ace in a day' is a rare distinction. Among the earliest American pilots to do so, Jim Swett was credited with seven victories amid a WWII turning point.By Jon Guttman4 weeks ago
How one GI’s sacrifice helped pave the Army’s way to Aachen, GermanyJack Pendleton sacrificed all to eliminate a critically placed German machine gun nest.By Jon Guttman4 weeks ago
A look into the remarkable life of Tuskegee Airman Harry StewartHarry Stewart got all three of his aerial victories on one sortie.By Jon Guttman4 weeks ago
Medal of Honor recipient faced down 100 enemy troops to cover his menThree officers were wounded trying to silence the enemy machine gun. Robert Craig would be the fourth to try.By Jon Guttman5 weeks ago
Polish general fired after anti-tank mines found in Ikea warehouseAn Ikea warehouse representative reportedly telephoned military officials and inquired about “when they would collect their mines.” As one does.By J.D. Simkins8 weeks ago