Many moons have elapsed since last we’ve gazed upon a carefully sketched cloud-dong bringing tidings of joy down upon us from the heavens.
But don’t fret. Phallic drawings have reached a new domain: The sea.
As the Ever Given, the Taiwanese cargo ship now trapped in the Suez Canal, rounds out its third day of immobility, it was reported that the vessel, in an earlier part of its voyage, carved out what appears to be a phallic path.
“A spokesperson for confirmed the ship tracking data was accurate,” according to VICE World News, which broke the story about the maritime member.
Tracking vehicular penis formations was perhaps made most famous in 2017 during the U.S. Navy’s infamous “Sky Dong” incident.
On that fateful November day, a magnificent contrail penis appeared stark against the mid-day sky near Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. The Navy subsequently claimed credit for the misunderstood work of art, amazing and appalling many who dared gaze upon it.
The Ever Given’s rendering, however, was evidently not done in the same vein — pun intended — as past examples carried out by the U.S. military, including the Air Force and the Marine Corps, because it does not appear to have been executed on purpose.
Still, we’ll go ahead and consider it a happy accident.
And to that end, the ball is in your court, Navy. Please step your at-sea game up.
Sarah Sicard is a Senior Editor with Military Times. She previously served as the Digitial Editor of Military Times and the Army Times Editor. Other work can be found at National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose, and Defense News.
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