How do you do, fellow kids?
Put down your marijuana cigarettes and your Game Boys and vibe check with this fire track the Navy band just remixed. Seventy-five percent of the hip youth of today have confirmed that it slaps.
Lit squad goals, my TikTok.
In all seriousness, I don’t even know what to say. Sea shanties can be a good time, but as the Navy’s official CHINFO Twitter account acknowledged, “This sea shanty parody may VERY MUCH not be your jam.”
“For those who take their sea shanties more seriously, you can find the band’s more traditional shanties and more here,” CHINFO wrote.
Maybe you’re in the camp that enjoys a repurposed tune like the above. Maybe you weren’t even able to endure half of it without screaming at your kids.
Online responses, to no surprise, ranged from endorsements to malicious condemnations.
“There will be plenty of time for work songs in Leavenworth when you’re all brought to justice for making this,” our friend and Duffel Blog contributor @DarkLaughterTDB wrote.
“I’m going to become a conscientious objector,” another commented.
.“Huge talent in this group,” tweeted one user. “Not a Taylor Swift fan, but love how y’all made this into a swinging ditty. Keep up the great work!”
Whatever the case, it’s only Monday. Fair winds and following seas.
J.D. Simkins is the executive editor of Military Times and Defense News, and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War.
military bandmilitary rock bandsterrible military bandsmilitary themed bandsterrible military musicnavy band taylor swifttaylor swift songs remixedremix taylor swiftIn Other News