An illustrated series dedicated to soldiers whose actions earned them the nation’s highest award for military valor is now available in paperback.
The hard copy version of “Medal of Honor,” a well-received graphic novel series produced by the Association of the U.S. Army, will feature the four recently-released issues from Volume 2 of the organization’s ongoing endeavor to bring some of the nation’s greatest heroes front and center.
Volume 2, which can be ordered here free of charge, includes the harrowing stories of Harlem Hellfighter Henry Johnson, Civil War surgeon Mary Walker, Holocaust survivor and Korean War veteran Tibor Rubin, and World War II hero-turned-senator Daniel Inouye, the association announced in a release.
Contributions to “Medal of Honor, Volume 2” came by way of a talented team with backgrounds in some of the comic industry’s most celebrated franchises.
The current volume featured script-writing by Chuck Dixon (“Batman,” “The Punisher”), drawings by Karl Moline (“Supergirl,” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), Christopher Ivy (“G.I. Joe,” “Avengers”); Le Beau Underwood (“Justice League,” “Suicide Squad”), and PJ Holden (“Judge Dredd,” “World of Tanks,”), color work by Peter Pantazis (“Justice League,” “Superman,” “Wolverine”), and lettering by Troy Peteri (“Spiderman,” “Iron Man,” “X-Men”).
Additionally, artist John Higgins (“Watchmen”) created the cover art for the paperback volume.
“The scripts and the artists — these are all people from the world of professional comic book publishing,” said Joseph Craig, director of AUSA’s book program. “These guys know comics, they know military comics in particular, and the job is just really top notch.”
Volume 1 of “Medal of Honor,” which launched in October 2018, highlighted the battlefield heroics of Alvin York, Roy Benavidez, Audie Murphy, and Sal Giunta.
You can read more about AUSA’s “Medal of Honor” series and view past issues here.
J.D. Simkins is the executive editor of Military Times and Defense News, and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War.
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