Tim Kennedy has gone up against the enemy overseas and fought in the UFC ring, but now he’s taking on dangerous jobs that don’t get a lot of love.
In a new Discovery Channel show premiering Tuesday at 10 p.m. Eastern time, Kennedy tries not to die while testing out these jobs.
Kennedy, a Green Beret and Texas Army National Guard soldier, travels around the country to walk in the shoes of everyday people who risk their lives performing dangerous jobs.

“It’s somewhere between ‘Dirty Jobs’ meets ‘Fear Factor’ meets ‘Survivor,’” Kennedy told Military Times on April 26. “It shows inherently dangerous jobs people do every day that don’t really get attention.”
“Hard to Kill” tells extraordinary stories of survival on the job, including pilots living through crashes and cowboys recovering after being trampled by bulls.
The show puts Kennedy in some of these harrowing situations; as he put it, “We re-create it and see if I die.”
A clip from the Discovery Channel shows Kennedy performing an uncontrolled free fall from 20,000 feet — with his visor frozen over as he plummets.
Charlsy is a Reporter and Engagement Manager for Military Times. Email her at cpanzino@militarytimes.com.