The Army is shoring up its numbers of security force assistance brigade NCOs and junior enlisted infantry, artillery and motor transport soldiers ― including privates ― at Fort Bliss, according to the latest Selective Retention Bonus update.
A year and a half into its SFAB program, the Army is adding re-enlistment bonuses to the $5,000 enlisted soldiers already get for joining an SFAB. It also is offering big bucks to infantrymen, cannon crewmembers and E-5 drivers who re-enlist and stay at Fort Bliss, Texas, as laid out in a May 16 MILPER message.
“The Army has a cost savings for not having to move somebody if they re-enlist for stabilization,” Sgt. Maj. Mark Thompson, the Army’s senior career counselor, said in a May 15 news release. “So we’re passing on that cost savings to the bonus even if it’s not the same pot of money, but that’s the mentality behind it.”

Bonuses are handed out according to re-enlistment length. On top of that, for soldiers who are 10 to 15 months out from the end of their enlistment term, the Army is offering a $3,000 kicker to sign up for another five years, or $6,000 to sign on for six years or more.
Bonuses are available for a handful of SFAB MOSs:
- 11B/C: From $10,800 to $36,800 for sergeants and staff sergeants.
- 12B: From $3,700 to $12,600 for sergeants and staff sergeants.
- 13F: From $4,800 to $14,600 for specialists.
- 25C: From $9,800 to $36,800.
- 25L/S: From $12,300 to $46,000 for specialists through staff sergeants.
- 25U: From $9,800 to $36,800 for specialists through staff sergeants.
- 35F/M: From $12,300 to $41,400 for specialists and sergeants, $12,100 to $36,800 for staff sergeants.
- 35N: From $12,300 to $46,000 for specialists through staff sergeants.
- 35P: From $13,500 to $57,600 for sergeants and staff sergeants.
- 68W: From $4,800 to $16,100 for specialists and sergeants.
- 91B: From 9,800 to $32,800 for specialists and sergeants.
- 92Y: From $12,300 to $41,400 for specialists and sergeants, $12,100 to $36,800 for staff sergeants.

Meanwhile, the Army is addressing shortages of some military occupational specialties at Fort Bliss, home of the 1st Armored Division, by offering bonuses for soldiers who re-up to stay there.
- 11B: From $2,100 to $11,200 for privates first class and specialists.
- 13B: From $4,400 to $20,900 for privates first class and specialists.
- 88M: From $3,700 to $16,100 for sergeants.
Meghann Myers is the Pentagon bureau chief at Military Times. She covers operations, policy, personnel, leadership and other issues affecting service members.