A Fort Bliss soldier has been arrested and charged with murder in El Paso, Texas.

Pfc. Cornelius Dewayne Harrison, 21, is accused of killing 22-year-old Frank Hernandez, who was found dead last Wednesday.

The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office charged Harrison with the murder on Friday. He is being held under a $1 million bond.

KFOX14 reported that Harrison, Hernandez and a few others drove out to Red Sands, an area popular with recreational shooters and off-road drivers.

They went to Red Sands to shoot rifles, and at Red Sands they turned onto a road where Harrison allegedly shot Hernandez four times, according to the news report.

Someone who was there at the time of Hernandez’s death told investigators that Harrison shot Hernandez because he allegedly stole from Harrison, according to the report, citing court documents.

Another witness told investigators that the original plan was to beat up Hernandez, according to KFOX14.

Police said Harrison admitted to being at the scene of the shooting but he says he didn’t pull the trigger, according to the report.

Harrison is a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear specialist, Fort Bliss told Army Times. He’s assigned to the 44th Chemical Company, 22nd Chemical Battalion with the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives Command.

The soldier joined the Army in June 2016 and arrived at Fort Bliss that November.

Charlsy is a Reporter and Engagement Manager for Military Times. Email her at cpanzino@militarytimes.com.

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