An online fundraiser for one of two soldiers killed in a suicide attack on Wednesday while deployed to Afghanistan is rapidly gaining traction.
The money will go to support the wife of Spc. Chris Harris, according to the description of a GoFundMe account set up by a friend.
“Britt has recently discovered that she and Chris were expecting their first child,” wrote Jenny Ann Stone. “During this time, money should be the absolute least important thing on her mind.”
Since going live on Thursday morning, the fundraiser has collected more than $12,000 out of its $15,000.
Funds pledged to the account will supplement survivor’s benefits paid out by the Defense Department — a tax-free $100,000 gratuity — and Servicemembers Group Life Insurance, which automatically enrolls all service members for a $400,000 death benefit, unless they reduce or decline coverage.
A DoD spokesman could not confirm the identities of the soldiers killed in the Wednesday attack. It is policy to withhold names until 24 hours after next of kin have been notified.
Meghann Myers is the Pentagon bureau chief at Military Times. She covers operations, policy, personnel, leadership and other issues affecting service members.