Updated at 11:10 a.m.:

The area surrounding West Point's off-campus visitors center has been cleared after an earlier report of a bomb threat, according to an update posted on the West Point Garrison's Facebook page. The center is expected to re-open by noon. 


A bomb threat has led to the evacuation of the area surrounding the U.S. Military Academy's off-campus Visitor Control Center, the academy announced Thursday morning.

The center is located just south of the installation in Highland Falls, New York. Traffic is continuing to flow in the area and all USMA gates remain open, according to a post on the West Point Garrison's Facebook page. A follow-up post said the potential threat emanated from the building's parking lot.

The New York State Police Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit is on the scene, according to a statement from academy spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Kasker.

It's the second security incident at the school this week -- outbound traffic was halted briefly Monday morning after what turned out to be a false alarm when a tipster reported seeing a man who resembled New York-New Jersey bombing suspect  Ahmad Khan Rahami drive onto campus.

The man was found to be a West Point resident, and the incident wrapped up around the time Rahami was arrested in New Jersey.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

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