Regulations and forms for the that support the implementation of a new NCO Evaluation Reporting System will be released online Tuesday. Nov. 10.

Barring an unexpected delay, the new NCO system will be used for most soldier ratings submitted Jan. 1, 2016, and later.

Governing policies, procedural guidance and the support form to be used with all NCO evaluations will be included in the documents to be released by the Army Publishing Directorate on TuesdayNov. 10.

Officially those documents are:

• Army Regulation 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting system)

•DA Pamphlet 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System)

•DA Form 2166-9-1 (NCO Evaluation Report Support Form).

Because the regulation and pamphlet cover the officer and NCO rating systems, some of the changes included in the revised documents deal with officer reports.

The supporting regulation and pamphlet for the current officer and NCO systems were last updated in March 2014.

NCO reports that are prepared with "thru dates" of Dec. 31, 2015, and earlier, should be submitted on the NCOER system that employs DA Form 2166-8 as the evaluation report, and DA Form 2166-8-1 as the support form.

Reports with thru dates of Jan. 1 and later should be submitted with documents that support the new system.

To prepare for the transition, the new support form (DA Form 2166-9-1) is authorized for counseling in advance of Jan. 1. The form will be available in the Electronic Entry System, the online application for preparing and submitting NCOERs, as well as the Army Publishing Directorate.

The Army Publishing Directorate can be accessed at and while the Electronic Entry System is available can be accessed at

Key changes to be included in the new regulation, pamphlet and support form are:

AR 623-3

• Incorporates policy for the alternate use of a Defense Department identification number (DoDID) in lieu of the nine-digit Social Security number for rated soldiers and rating officials for the officer and NCO evaluation systems.

• Updates policy regarding evaluation reports for command sergeants major who are serving in three- and four-star nominative billets.

• Requires the use of an NCOER rater assessment and "rater tendency" report to track the rating history of officials who rate soldiers in the ranks of staff sergeant through sergeant major.

• Defines the senior rater four-box check system and label technique for ratings on senior NCOs.

• Mandates use of the new support form, DA Form 2166-9-1, for NCOs in the ranks of corporal through command sergeant major.

• Establishes the Electronic Entry System as the primary method for completing and submitting NCOER documents.

DA Pamphlet 623-3

• Includes one broadening assignment recommendation on the support forms and evaluation reports of senior NCOs.

• Updates procedures for the incorporation of newly received derogatory information in NCOERS.

• The "failed to achieve course standards" box-check will be used on DA Form 1059 (Service School Academic Evaluation Report) when a student does not meet Army standards for physical fitness and/or weight control.

NCOER Support Form

•Indicates if the soldier has met the Structured Self-Development and NCO Education System requirements for promotion to the next higher grade.

•Includes the rated soldier's performance goals and expectations.

•Includes senior rater comments.

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