A general officer advisory board will convene Aug. 3 to recommend candidates for advancement to lieutenant general and appointment as chief of engineers.
A second board convening on that date will consider brigadier generals of the Army Medical Department for promotion to major general.
The zone of eligibility for the advisory board will include all Regular Army Corps of Engineer officers in the rank of colonel and above who are on active duty Aug. 3. Officers with approved separation dates that fall within 90 days after the convening date will not be included in the zone of eligibility.
The officer ultimately nominated for appointment to chief of engineers, and confirmed by the Senate, will replace Lt. Gen. Thomas Bostick, who has served as the 53rd chief of engineers and commander of the Army Corps of Engineers since May 2012.
The basic zone of eligibility for the AMEDD major general board will include all O-7s of the Medical Corps, Dental Corps, Nurse Corps, Medical Service Corps, Medical Specialist Corps and Veterinary Corps with dates of rank of Aug. 2, 2014, and earlier.
Officers with DOR of June 3, 2013 through Aug. 2, 2014 will be in the primary zone.
Evaluation reports submitted for these boards must be received at the Human Resources Command by July 27.