A Qualitative Management Program retention screening for staff sergeants and senior NCOs of the Regular Army and Active Guard and Reserve (Army Reserve) will be conducted in July and September, several weeks later than previously scheduled.

The upcoming QMP review originally was to be held in conjunction with the fiscal 2015 sergeant first class promotion selection board that meets June 2 to July 2.

Under the revised schedule, separate QMP boards will meet as follows:

  • Regular Army: July 14.
  • Army Reserve (AGR): Sept. 9.

QMP reviews normally are held at the conclusion of senior NCO promotion boards for select categories of active and reserve NCOs, staff sergeants and above, who have had derogatory information placed in their official personnel file by the Human Resources Command.

The QMP is a retention screening unrelated to the drawdown that is designed to cull the force of soldiers who fail to comply with Army standards for behavior or job performance.

The QMP is different from the Qualitative Service Program which is a force-shaping process for the drawdown that imperils the careers of soldiers who are in military occupational specialties that are overstrength or have few promotion opportunities, or both.

Derogatory information that can trigger a QMP screening includes:

  • A general officer letter or memorandum of reprimand.
  • Conviction by courts-martial or Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
  • Relief for cause NCO Evaluation Report.
  • Senior rater rating of "fair" or "poor" in the overall performance or potential blocks of the NCOER.
  • Annotation of "no" in the Army Values section of the NCOER.
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