A ceremony will be held tomorrow at the Human Resources Command's Maude Complex, Fort Knox, Kentucky, to invest Brig. Gen. James T. Iacocca as the service's 60th adjutant general, one of the oldest leadership positions in the Army.

The hour-long event, scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, will be steeped in tradition, as it dates historically to the beginnings of the Army.

It will be unique in that two unit flags will be passed from Brig. Gen. David MacEwen, the incumbent adjutant general who is scheduled to retire, to Iacocca.

One flag will represent the Military Postal Service Agency, a component of HRC's Adjutant General Directorate, and the other the investiture of the adjutant general of the U.S. Army, a position that dates to June 16, 1775, when the Continental Congress appointed Horatio Gates as the first adjutant general to George Washington with the commission of a brigadier general.

Gates was the second officer to be commissioned in the Army, the first being George Washington.

The Adjutant General Corps is the Amy's second oldest branch, the first being Infantry.

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