The Army plans All total there will be 744 promotions to the ranks of chief warrant officer through colonel in February, including 42 Army Competitive Category advancements to colonel, 102 to lieutenant colonel, 120 to major, 161 to captain, six to CW5, 29 to CW4 and 68 to CW3.
There will be four Medical Service Corps, one Medical Specialist Corps, one Veterinary Corps and three Nurse Corps promotions to colonel for officers on the newly confirmed fiscal 2014 Army Medical Department O-6 list.
Also authorized are two promotions to colonel for the Judge Advocate General's Corps and five for the Chaplain Corps.
Special branch promotions to lieutenant colonel will include four advancements for the JAG Corps, six for the Chaplain Corps, one for the Medical Corps, nine for the Medical Service Corps, three for the Medical Specialist Corps, two for the Veterinary corps and seven for the Nurse Corps.
The promotion plan for major includes 10 advancements for the JAG Corps, five for the Chaplain corps, three for the Medical Corps, 12 for the Medical Service Corps, 13 for the Medical Specialist Corps, one for the Veterinary corps and five for the Nurse Corps.
The AMEDD promotions will be made from the 2014 major lists.
There will be four promotions to captain for the Chaplain Corps, six for the Medical Service Corps, two for the Medical Specialist Corps and four for the Nurse Corps.