NCO promotions are about to hit a big chill, with fewer than 1,500 advancements to the ranks of sergeant and above being scheduled for January, which is the smallest monthly total since July 2009.
Senior NCO sequence numbers and cutoff scores issued by the Army in late December authorize 50 promotions to sergeant major on Jan. 1, 34 to master sergeant, 73 to sergeant first class, 438 to staff sergeant and 868 to sergeant.
The 1,463 total reflects the ongoing reduction in the size of the Army, and is well below the monthly average of 2,900 for the past year.
Within the senior NCO ranks, promotions to sergeant major and sergeant first class will be made from the 2014 lists, while the master sergeant authorization will draw down the 2013 E-8 list to about 1,000 names.
Cutoff scores authorize 438 promotions to staff sergeant, and 868 to sergeant.

Staff sergeant insignia, E-6
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