The following Army Reserve officers, warrant officers and senior noncommissioned officers have been selected as principals and alternates for additional professional military education courses in fiscal 2015:
PME Reserve list (Hyperlink to doc goes here)
The soldiers come from all categories of the Army Reserve - Active Guard and Reserve, Troop Program Unit, Individual Ready Reserve, Individual Mobilization Augmentee and Military Technician.
Courses included in the 2015 PME program are:
RCNSC – the Reserve Component National Security Course, a two-week seminar offered three times annually at the National Defense University for field-grade officers, chief warrant officers (CW3 and above) and master sergeants and sergeants major.
DSC – The Defense Strategy Course, a four-month online distance education program offered by the Army War college twice annually to majors and lieutenant colonels who have completed the common core element of Intermediate Level Education.
CSSP - The Canadian Security Studies Program, a two-week resident seminar of lectures, group discussions and national security analyses offered by the Canadian Forces College, Toronto, for colonels and lieutenant colonels.
JCSP – The Canadian Joint Command and Staff Programme, a two year consisting of two distance learning phases and two two-week resident phases for majors at the Canadian Forces College. Officers must have credit for Intermediate Level Education.
SMCNS – Senior Managers Course in National Security, a two-week course offered annually for colonels and equivalent civilian leaders by George Washington University. Officers must be graduates of a senior service college.
PRAOC - Primary Reserve Army Operations College, a three-week program for captains and majors at the Canadian Land Force Command and Staff College, Kingston, Ontario. Officers must be graduates of the Captain Career Course.
FARSOC – The French Army Reserve Staff Officer Course, a one-year regimen of study for captains, majors and lieutenant colonels at the Ecole Militaire, Paris. The program culminates with a three-week resident phase that focuses on decision-making and operational planning.