An American who is reportedly fighting against the Islamic State with Kurds in Syria served in the U.S. Army from 2006 until 2007, according to Army Human Resources Command.

Jordan Matson, originally from Wisconsin, has claimed on his Facebook page that he has traveled to Syria to join the YPG, a Kurdish group of fighters, according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Matson has posted a picture of himself wearing a headscarf and holding a rifle, but further information about him is limited to his Facebook friends.

Matson served as an infantryman from May 2006 until November 2007, attaining the rank of private first class, according to HRC. His record does not indicate why he left the Army after little more than a year, and command spokesman William Costello said he was unable to comment on Matson's "character of service."

During his brief tenure in the Army, Matson trained at Fort Benning, Ga.; Fort Bragg, N.C.; and Fort Polk, La., according to his record. His military awards include the National Defense Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Army Service Ribbon and Parachutist Badge.

Matson could not be reached by phone or social media by deadline on Friday.

The Journal-Sentinel reported that Matson had posted on his Facebook page that he had been wounded while fighting the Islamic State.

"I was hit by a mortar a few days ago during a 6 hour firefight but i am fine," the newspaper reported that he wrote. "Delivered an ISIS bastard to hell. Please keep me and the other americans and kurdish fighters in your prayers."

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