A 24-year-old woman arrested Saturday in Indiana will face first-degree murder charges in Hawaii in the stabbing death of an Army medic's wife.

A federal indictment issued April 22 alleges Aisla Jackson "willfully, deliberately, maliciously and with premeditation" killed Catherine Walker, 38, who was found dead Nov. 15 by her husband, Sgt. Mike Walker, in their home at Aliamanu Military Reservation, a military housing complex in Honolulu, Hawaii News Now reported at the time of the incident.

That outlet also has reported that Jackson and Michael Walker were lovers.

Catherine Walker suffered stab wounds to her neck and torso. Army investigators said at the time that they didn't believe her death was a random act or the result of a robbery attempt.

Sgt. Walker remains assigned to Tripler Army Medical Center, Army personnel records show. He enlisted in February 2004 and made three war-zone deployments: Two to Iraq and the most recent to Afghanistan while assigned to the Fort Bliss, Texas-based 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division. He returned in February 2013 and transferred to Tripler that July, records show.

Jackson appeared in a Fort Wayne, Indiana, courtroom Monday and agreed to return to Hawaii.

The arrest came as the result of a joint investigation by the FBI and Army Criminal Investigation Command. CID investigators continue to assist in the case, spokesman Chris Grey said Tuesday, with the FBI in the lead.

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