Qualified sergeants and staff sergeants who reclassify to become career recruiters can now earn a bonus of $2,000.
The new bonus opportunity is part of a special program that allows qualified enlisted soldiers in over-strength and balanced MOSs to earn cash a bonus for transferring to a shortage specialty. has been updated with a focus on 79R, the specialty for career recruiters.
Called the Military Occupational Specialty Conversion Bonus Program, the program MOS-CB was revised April 5 with a focus on 79R, the specialty for career recruiters. Other Mmajor changes include the removal of four specialties that had been in the program since Oct. 26.
MOSs removed from the program are 25D (cyber network defender), 29E (electronic warfare specialist), 35L (counterintelligence agent) and 79S (career counselor).
Soldiers who hold 79R typically are former detailed recruiters who have made recruiting their career, and who comprise the professional, permanent cadre of U.S. Army Recruiting Command.
While many enlisted MOSs are over-strength and have limited advancement opportunities because of the Army's ongoing drawdown, 79R is a priority specialty with good promotion opportunities for career-minded noncommissioned officers.
Under the MOS-CB now in effect, sergeants and staff sergeants who reclassify to 79R earn a lump sum bonus of $2,000.
Soldiers who reclassify must remain in the MOS for at least 36 months.
Also, soldiers who reclassify and are who eligible for a Selective Re-enlistment Bonus in 79R are not eligible to receive an SRB and the $2,000 conversion bonus for the same period of service. They must select one or the other.
For specific information about the new MOS-CB program, soldiers should consult MilPer Message 16-098, and contact their local career counselor.