Frequently asked questions:
Q: I can't believe my favorite military movie didn't make this bracket. Who put this field together?
A: Fifty of the 64 films were chosen by a seven-member panel made up of active-duty service members and Military Times staffers. We then put the word out via our website, our social-media outlets and our television partners at This Week in Defense News with Vago Muradian, seeking your favorite unheralded or underappreciated military films to help fill out the final 14 spots. Military Times staffers used more than 1,500 pieces of feedback, along with the selection panel's previous discussions, to set the rest of the field.
Q: I still can't believe my favorite military movie didn't make this bracket. Were there any rules about what constitutes a "military movie"?
A: Our panel debated films across multiple genres, with few restrictions: Documentaries were not considered, and foreign-language and science-fiction films were limited, though exceptions were made in the latter cases.
Q: How long does the voting last?
A: Visit our voting page for the most recent round of voting. The first round of voting closes at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday. Voting may be down on occasion while we re-set the field after each round, but should be in full swing through March and into April. Voting on the final matchup begins Monday, April 6.
Q: My friend tried to vote using my computer/phone and was locked out. What gives?
A: Our system is set up to accept one vote per device per round of voting. But [[voter main page]] is mobile-friendly, so feel free to check in from your smartphone or tablet as well as your computer.
Q: My favorite movie is getting trounced. How do I rally support?
A: Be sure to include in your tweets and Facebook messages; it will always have a link to the most recent round of voting. And use the hashtag #milmovies to join the debate and convince others to see things your way.
Q: What's in this for me?
A: The pride of knowing that you helped select the greatest military movie ever.
Q: I'm having a technical issue with the page. Can somebody help?
A: Email us at for technical support.
Q: Did you order the Code Red?
Kevin Lilley is the features editor of Military Times.