Soldiers in basic training will soon have to pass a test after every phase of the course.
Here are the tasks they could be called upon to complete:
Phase I (Red)
Soldiers must successfully complete four out of five tasks. Tasks include:
React to a Chemical or Biological (CB) Hazard/Attack.
Perform First Aid for Bleeding of an Extremity.
Perform First Aid for an Open Chest Wound.
Evaluate a Casualty.
Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock.
Perform a Functions Check on an M16 Series Rifle / M4 Carbine.
Recite the Army Values.
Challenge Persons Entering Your Area.
React to an Approaching Officer While walking and/or seated.
React to an Approaching NCO while walking and/or seated.
React to an Inspecting Officer.
Report to an Officer indoors and Outdoors.
React to an Officer Entering a Building.
Identify Rank.
Demonstrate knowledge of Military Time.
Perform First Aid for Heat Injuries.
Perform First Aid to Clean an Object Stuck in the Throat of a Conscious Casualty.
Load an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine.
Unload an M16 series rifle or M4 series carbine.
Correct Malfunctions of an M16 Series Rifle / M4 Carbine.
Execute Drill Movements with Arms (Stationary).
Execute Drill Movements with Arms (Marching).

Army privates lay in the prone positions on Sept. 19 while they wait to move through a buddy team live-fire range during their seventh week of basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. The new basic training course begins after Oct. 1.
Photo Credit: Sgt. Ken Scar/Army
Phase II (White)
Soldiers must successfully complete seven of nine tasks. Tasks (some of which overlap from phase to phase) include:
Protect Yourself from Chemical and Biological (CB) Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective mask.
React to a Chemical or Biological (CB) Hazard/Attack.
React to Nuclear Hazard/Attack.
Decontaminate yourself and Individual Equipment Using Chemical Decontaminating Kits.
Perform Voice Communications.
Identify Terrain Features on a Map.
Determine the Grid Coordinates of a Point on a Military Map.
Measure Distance on a Map.
Determine a Magnetic Azimuth Using a Lensatic Compass.
Identify chemical agents using M8 or M9 Detector paper.
Perform First Aid for Bleeding of an Extremity.
Perform First Aid for an Open Chest Wound.
Evaluate a Casualty.
Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock.
Perform Functions Check on an M16 Series Rifle / M4 Carbine.
Recite the Army Values.
Challenge Persons Entering Your Area.
Perform First Aid for Heat Injuries.
Perform First Aid to Clear an Object Stuck in the Throat of a Conscious Casualty.
Load an M16 Series Rifle / M4 Series Carbine.
Unload an M16 Series Rifle / M4 Series Carbine.
Execute Drill Movements with Arms (Marching).
Execute Drill Movements with Arms (Stationary).
React to an Approaching Officer While Walking and/or Seated.
React to an Approaching NCO while walking and/or Seated.
React to an Inspecting Officer.
Report to an Officer indoors and Outdoors.
React to an Officer Entering a Building.
Identify Rank.
Demonstrate knowledge of Military Time.
Phase III (Blue)
Soldiers must complete 18 of 20 tasks. Tasks (which may overlap) include:
Perform Functions Check on an M16 Series Rifle / M4 Carbine.
Load an M16 Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine.
Unload an M16 Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine.
Unload an M249 Machine Gun.
Load an M249 Machine Gun.
Correct a Malfunction of an M249 Machine Gun.
Unload an M203 Grenade launcher.
Load an M203 Grenade launcher.
Identify Terrain Features on a Map.
Determine the Grid Coordinates of a Point on a Military Map.
Determine a Magnetic Azimuth Using a Lensatic Compass.
Measure Distance on a Map.
Perform Voice Communications.
Report information of Potential Intelligence Value.
Challenge Persons Entering Your Area.
Evaluate a Casualty.
Perform First Aid to Clear an Object Stuck in the Throat of a Conscious Casualty.
Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock.
Perform First Aid to Restore Breathing or Pulse.
React to Nuclear Hazard/Attack.
Perform First Aid for Suspected Fracture.
Perform First Aid for a Cold Injury.
Perform First Aid for a Nerve Agent Injury.
Transport a Casualty.
Decontaminate yourself and Individual Equipment Using Chemical Decontaminating Kits.
Protect Yourself from Chemical and Biological (CB) Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective mask.
Graduation requirements
In addition to the phase tests, soldiers must meet these requirement in order to graduate (a star denotes a new task):
Complete the end of cycle Army Physical Fitness Test with a minimum of 50 points in each event.
Safely handle, provide proper maintenance, zero and qualify with your individual weapon. All Soldiers will qualify using the M68 sighting device and participate in the weapons immersion program.*
Pass the end of cycle hands-on test and demonstrate elemental proficiency in the Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills.*
Qualify on the hand grenade qualification course and throw one live grenade.
Demonstrate proficiency in the wear of the chemical protective mask and complete the protective mask confidence exercise (CBRN 2).
Pass the two- person team Land Navigation Course, achieving 3 out of 5 points.*
Complete the end of cycle 16K foot march.*
Demonstrate proficiency in basic first aid techniques.*
Complete Buddy Team Live Fire.
Negotiate Confidence, Obstacle Courses and Confidence Tower (Must complete 70% of all obstacles).
Complete Combatives Training (Rifle Fighting Techniques).*