The Army has issued a revised version of the fiscal 2015 nominative command sergeant major and sergeant major key billet selection list that was retracted in early August because of administrative problems.

The initial version of the list was pulled by the Human Resources Command Aug. 7 because some of the selectees did not meet new eligibility criteria that required NCOs to "opt in" for consideration by the June board that designated candidates for possible assignment to top enlisted positions in one- and two-star general officer commands.

The new policy, which also applies to the brigade and battalion CSM and SGM key billet boards that meet in October, requires soldiers to formally request consideration for appointment to these special leadership positions. A similar process also applies to boards that consider officers for command and key billet assignments.

NCOs who did not opt in for the June nominative CSM and SGM key billet board were not supposed to be considered by that panel, much less selected for possible assignment to key leadership positions in general officer commands.

Sources said the non-opt-in soldiers apparently were included in the zone of consideration because of an automation error.

Here are the names, ranks and military occupational specialties of the Regular Army soldiers designated as candidates for possible assignment to nominative one- and two-star command sergeant major and sergeant major key billet positions.

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